Transform anger into motivation…

& feel close to those who matter most.

Anger management therapy in person in Cookeville & Livingston | Online across TN & FL

You know the way you react only makes things worse, but it feels like you can’t control it.

At work, it seems like no one listens to you until you’re completely fed up. In the past, you’ve blown up at your coworkers and even your boss, and you know that kind of behavior won’t be tolerated forever. At home, your spouse and kids walk on eggshells around you, and you get the feeling that your partner has just about had enough of your outbursts. Even your friends have expressed being tired of hearing about the troubles your anger causes in your life, and you know you need to make a change.


  • Told to seek help with anger management by a superior at work, your loved ones, or a court mandate

  • Masking your anger and feelings with alcohol or other substances

  • Afraid that your anger might get so out of control that you hurt someone

  • Having health problems as a result of ongoing anger and stress—like high blood pressure

  • Noticing that your kids or other people you interact with seem afraid to talk to you

  • Feeling a lot of shame about your behavior, and are ready to make a change to be closer to the people you care about


You have the power.

The fact that you’ve taken this first step to seek support is something to be proud of. It means that you’re ready to find a different way of managing your anger, and I’m here to let you know that you can do this

In our sessions, I’m never going to make you feel like you’re unjustified in your feelings—I want you to be able to express whatever you need to get off your chest. We’ll work to uncover the emotions your anger is hiding, and learn ways to recognize and deal with those feelings before they get out of control. Together, we’ll practice techniques that will help you manage stress and control anger when it does come up, so you can remain in the driver’s seat and not let your emotions take the wheel. 

Imagine if the anger you feel will become a driving force for positive change in your life. Having embraced that no amount of anger is a reason to make others fearful, you’ll watch as the relationships in your life transform into more genuine and mutually fulfilling connections.

Practice taking “time outs”

Learn how to take a pause or break during a heated moment to calm down and regain composure before responding further.


Be assertive instead of aggressive

Be able to stand up for yourself and your ideas without boiling over.

Learn coping skills to manage stress & feel better

Improve the physical symptoms of your anger and be able to prevent future incidents. 

Identify the things that push you over the edge

Learn what triggers your anger and what situations will potentially be high-risk so you can mentally prepare and remain calm.

You can choose positive change.



  • Yes, anger can temporarily spike your blood pressure because your body's revved up, but it's usually not a long-term thing. Chronic anger, though, might impact your heart health over time if it's a constant in your life. Learning to manage anger through counseling can help reduce the physical effects.

  • Over time, anger can put a strain on relationships. It can hinder communication, trust, and make things feel tense in both personal and professional relationships. Learning to communicate without losing your temper can help repair and maintain the relationships in your life.

  • Anger can sometimes be connected to depression, but not always. Feeling really frustrated or irritated a lot of the time can be a symptom of being depressed. Whether your anger is related to depression or not, it is an indicator that something in your life is not working for you. Therapy can be a great way to explore and figure out the root cause of the anger you feel.

  • When you're angry, your body often goes into a heightened state. Your heart rate might increase, and blood pressure can rise, which can put some strain on your heart and blood vessels. Additionally, muscles may tense up, and you might feel sensations like a clenched jaw or tightness in your shoulders. Continuous or frequent anger can impact your overall well-being, potentially leading to headaches, digestive issues, or even trouble sleeping due to this heightened physical state. Learning healthy ways to manage anger through counseling can be good for your body and health overall.


614 N. Church St
Livingston, TN 38570

Call or text: 931-644-3147