Connect to a sense of calm…

& face fears with confidence.


You know something has to change, but the anxiety about making a decision has you paralyzed.

Right now, you feel pretty hopeless that your life could get better. You haven’t been sleeping because of the worries that are constantly running through your head, and the exhaustion you feel during the day makes simple tasks feel impossible. Your friends and family have made it clear that you need to do something, but no one can tell you what that “something” is. And even if you did know what you needed to do, you’re terrified about what making a huge life transition would mean for your future.


  • Making mistakes at work because you can’t focus or remember important details

  • Fighting with your partner, family, or friends because you’re so easily irritated these days

  • Feeling sick or having health problems such as increased blood pressure because of stress

  • Worried that your relationship might end because you can’t “get it together”

  • Quick to get angry even about little things, and unable to control your reactions

  • Fearful of an upcoming life change—like a divorce or retirement—and how it’ll affect you long-term


A safe space to find a way forward.

Our time together will always be judgment-free, focused on figuring out what you need to feel better—you never have to worry about being criticized for expressing how you feel. 

We’ll start by learning a bit about how stress and anxiety affect our minds and bodies, and discuss why they come up so much when we’re at a turning point in our lives. I want you to know that it’s totally normal to be anxious when you’re on the verge of a big change, and that by the time our work is finished, you’ll have everything you need to make any necessary leaps. 

Together, we’ll work to uncover the issues that are causing all the stress and anxiety you’re feeling and learn methods and tools that can help you start to feel better. We’ll practice these methods in our sessions, so they’ll become second nature to you when you need to use them in your day-to-day life. In the end, you’ll have a toolbox full of coping skills to help you get through any situation without becoming overwhelmed or shutting down.

Communicate confidently

Be able to express how you’re feeling and what you want and need without letting your emotions take control.


Know that positive outcomes are possible

Flip all the “what ifs” you come up with on their heads and realize that good consequences are possible, too.

Learn to manage stress & anxiety

Gain coping skills that can help you calm down so you can make decisions with a level head. 

Face your fears

Know that you can do hard things and come out the other side feeling strong.

You can learn to handle whatever life throws your way.

Getting the support you need is the first step.


  • Stress can definitely make you feel sick. Your body's stress response can mess with your immune system, making you more susceptible to colds, stomach problems, or even more serious health issues over time. Learning to manage stress and set boundaries that prevent excessive stress in the future can help reduce the risk of it impacting your health.

  • Long-term stress is like keeping your body on high alert for ages. It can lead to things like heart problems, weakened immune system, and mental health issues like anxiety or depression. Therapy is a great place to create practices that will help limit the amount of stress you feel on a daily basis.

  • Anxiety is an ongoing feeling of worry or uneasiness. Common signs of anxiety include racing thoughts, being unable to sleep or eat normally, and feelings of impending doom. Counseling can help you identify what’s causing your anxiety and give you the tools to move through it more easily when it comes up.

  • Yes, anxiety can definitely cause physical symptoms. When you're anxious, your body can react with things like a fast heartbeat, muscle tension, stomachaches, and even headaches. It's your body's way of reacting to the feeling of being worried or on edge. In therapy, you can learn to manage anxious feelings and lessen these physical sensations over time.


614 N. Church St
Livingston, TN 38570

Call or text: 931-644-3147